Tabby Begonia (Figure)

Tabby Begonia, also known as the fine spider Begonia, is a genus of perennial grasses of the genus Begonia and Begonia. The plants are small, with thick and plump fleshy rhizomes, and rhizomes growing in a very short section. The leaves and flowers grow from the rhizomes and grow into a pod near the soil surface. Its leaves are oval in shape, long-handled, with green petiole, reddish-brown spots, leaf lengths of about 4 cm, dark reddish-brown foliage, irregular patches of green, white margins on leaf margins. The pollen is white and not very noticeable. The leaves are spotted and compact, and they are excellent foliage plants. Planting in small pots is preferred to embellish ledges, cases, and desks.

Begonia Begonia hi warm and humid half-yin environment, not cold, avoid high temperature dry and sun exposure. The optimum temperature for growth is 15°C to 25°C. In this condition, the potted soil is kept moist and water is not accumulated. Do not wait for the soil to completely dry out before watering it. Otherwise, it will have a fatal effect on the plant, but the basin soil will not be able to accumulate water for a long time. In order to avoid root rot. Usually give a higher air humidity, can often spray water on the plants and the surrounding ground, so as to avoid air drying the leaves become small and thick, severe when the edges dry, young leaves can not be unfolded until the plants die. However, the high temperatures in the summer, hot and humid, can also cause plant rot. Therefore, it is recommended to keep it in a cool and ventilated place during the summer and take care to prevent rain and sun exposure. In winter, it is placed in a bright and light place to reduce watering, and it can be safely overwintered above 10°C. Every 20 days during the growth period, apply a diluted thin liquid fertilizer or a special fertilizer for foliage plants. When fertilizing, pay attention to the fertilizer and water not to splash on the foliage, so as to avoid the formation of scars and affect the viewing. Every spring, the pots are changed once, and the pots and soils are required to contain rich humus, loose and fertile, and have good drainage. You can use rot leafy soil or peat soil plus 1/3 of sand or perlite, vermiculite, and incorporate a small amount of decomposed Chicken manure and cow dung are used as base fertilizer. When removing the pot, remove the old soil and rotted roots, replant it with new soil, and put a layer of tiles or finely shredded pebbles on the pelvic floor to facilitate drainage.

Breeding Begonia Begonia can be used in combination with spring change basin for ramets, by dividing the rhizome into several sections, each with new shoots and more than two leaves. After the wound has dried slightly, it is planted in pots. In the middle, the depth of planting is suitable for the upper part of the rhizome and the level of the soil.

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