Jujube Tree Leaf Leaf Management Technology


The buds start from late April. If the new jujube heads that germinate are not required to be used as extension branches and result tree cultures, they should be removed from the base. The earlier the time, the better.

Topping the heart from the middle of May, the jujube head is not yet lignified, and the first branch is still green. Except for the maintenance of the main branch, the extension branch, and the lateral branches, the rest of the branches should be picked up according to the size of the space. For jujube heads with large cultureable branches, they can be picked up at 7-8 knots. From the end of May, when the 8th to 9th leaves of the jujube crane are unfolded, the growing point is removed. This measure can reduce nutrient consumption, increase fruit setting rate, and has a significant effect of increasing production.

Thinning branches Starting from mid-May, delicate branches that sprout on fresh shoots and stems of jujube stocks, jujube head bases, or canopy roots, if not used, should be promptly removed to save nutrients and send air and light. .

Pull branches from the middle of May on the growth of upright and picking the heart of the jujube head, with a rope to pull it into a horizontal state, inhibit the shoot top acete, control the growth of shoots to accumulate nutrients, promote flower bud differentiation, improve the flowering rate.

The armor is carried out on the main trunk of Wangshu. It starts from 20-30 centimeters from the base of the trunk and rises year by year. The distance between the mouths of two years is 20 centimeters, and the armor width is 0.3 to 0.5 centimeters. Knife, deep to the xylem, removes the middle bast tissue, exposing the formation layer.


After rainfall or irrigation, timely cultivator weeding, cultivating depth of about 10 cm. When agricultural measures are not sufficient to control grass-roots damage, we can use the 41-percent solution of glyphosate 100-250 ml per 667 square meters for directional spray under the tree in the middle and late May to eradicate the weeds that have grown. It can also be sprayed once again with 72% Dole 50-200 ml to prevent the growth of weeds, and then depending on the occurrence of weeds to decide whether to re-administer the drug. Note that herbicides should not be sprayed onto leaves and young shoots, and herbicides should be used with caution during flowering and fruit setting to avoid phytotoxicity.

Chemical regulation

For jujube gardens with weaker tree vigor, 0.3% urea solution + 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed in mid-May to promote growth and flower bud differentiation; Zaoyuan with stronger tree vigor, when pre-flowering When spraying 7 to 8 leaves, spraying 1500 to 2000 mg/kg of paclobutrazol or booster can significantly increase fruit setting rate. Paclobutrazol can also be treated with soil, that is, buried within 25 cm of the roots of the trunk. Mature trees are planted with about 3 grams per plant. Generally, they are used for 1 year after being used for 2 years.

Pest Control

Insect pest control In early May, the main pest control, focus on the prevention and treatment of Zaojiao, jujube Mosquitoes, and governance Zaofei elephant, date stickworm, Zaozhi moth and other pests. Available in 2000 to 3000 times solution of pyrethroids, or 600 times 15% of nicotinic acid in ricinoleic acid, or 1000 times of 10% anti insecticidal speed to kill EC, or 50 ppm of nimble III, as pest control 2~ 4 times.

Disease Prevention In May, we focused on the prevention of black spot disease, ulcer disease, leaf blight disease, and tender shoot scorch disease. Can be used 1:2:200 times the amount of Bordeaux mixture 400 to 500 times or 20% of the world's high water dispersible granules 2500 times or 40% of Fuxing Star EC 5000 times in the first half of May; 1.5% in mid-May Multi-antibiotics 500 times liquid + 3% Ke Xikang 800 times liquid; at the end of May, sprayed with 72% of agricultural streptomycin 2500 times liquid.

with transverse stolons. Leaves 3-11; leaf blade ovate, slightly leathery; petiole glabrous. Scapes yellow-green, narrowly ovate, apical apex; petals nearly lanceolate, apex acuminate, Middle slightly widened, with honey groove; stamens long only about 1/2 of the petals; anthers yellow, filaments narrowly linear; style slightly curved. Oval oblong, carpels stalked puberulent. March-April flowering, April-June results. Specialty Chongqing pillars yellow water. Health elevation of 1600-2200 meters between the mountain forest, often cultivated, wild rare. Rhizome is a famous traditional Chinese medicine ("Coptis"), with berberine, Coptidis base, Coptis base, tetrandrine and other alkaloids, can cure acute conjunctivitis, acute bacillary dysentery, acute gastroenteritis, hematemesis, Embolism.

Crude Herbs

Crude Herbs,Berberine Coptis,Raw Herbs Radix Coptis,Herbs Radix Coptis

Chongqing Taisun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. , https://www.taisuncoptis.com