Rapeseed dredging covered no-tillage live technology

The rapeseed ditching and no-tillage direct seeding technology has been successfully tested in Qiu Cun Town of Guangde County in 1997. After 7 years of promotion and application, the accumulated area has reached more than 3.16 million mu, and the area used in our city is nearly 800,000. Mu, which accounts for more than 70 acres of 1.2 million mu of rapeseed in the city, has reduced the area of ​​winter free land year by year, and the planting area of ​​rape has increased year by year. At present, the technology has been promoted in the surrounding cities and counties in the city, and has also attracted the attention of other provinces' rapeseed production areas. After Gushi County of Henan Province visited our city in September 2004, more than 100 sets of trenching machines were introduced. The area was implemented at the end of last year. Up to 10,000 acres. In June 2004, the technology passed the appraisal of scientific and technological achievements in Anhui Province. The expert group believes that this technology can achieve the one-time completion of the operations such as no-tillage, ditching, and soil cover after the fertilization and sowing of rapeseed, fertilizer, and so on. The technology is advanced and the labor costs are saved. It is conducive to the transfer of agricultural labor to the secondary and tertiary industries, which is conducive to the scale and intensification of rapeseed cultivation. Among them, innovation in the trenching coverage of rapeseed machinery is of significance to the production of rapeseed in the province and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The overall technology has reached the domestic advanced level in the same type of research and the leading level in the province.

The dredging machine covered with no-tillage direct seeding technology is mainly to reduce labor input for transplanting rapeseed and realize the purpose of cost-saving and efficiency increase. According to the growth law of rapeseed, a series of agro-assisted measures are adopted to meet the needs of rapeseed growth on water and fertilizer and other nutrients, so that the rapeseed can obtain stable and high yield. The specific measures and reasons are summarized as follows:

First, the technical points of machine open trench covering no-tillage rapeseed directly

(a) timely early broadcast

The yield of rapeseed is greatly affected by the growth of individuals before winter. In order to fully and effectively use light and temperature resources and increase rapeseed yield, the sowing date is determined according to the rice harvest conditions. Generally, mid-season rice is sown at the end of September to October. Early days.

(B) Reapply Base Fertilizer

Machine-groove covering the no-tillage direct-rooted rapeseed roots deep into the soil layer, has a certain ability to absorb water, drought resistance is better than tillage or transplanting rape, but the lateral roots of the main root in the soil layer are difficult to stretch, not only small However, it is still relatively short, so the absorption of nutrients by rape depends mainly on the lateral root system in the loose soil layer. In order to promote the growth of rapeseed, basic fertilizer should be re-used, 20 kg of compound fertilizer should be applied per acre, and 10-12 lbs of farmyard manure should be spread evenly on the surface of rice paddy field, and the machine should be used for ditching and soil conservation to maintain long-term utilization of fertilizer effect.

(3) Live broadcast and machine ditching

The machine ditch covers 100-120 grams of seed for seeding the no-tillage direct-seeded rape, mix in 100 kg of soil miscellaneous fertilizer, and spread evenly. The ditch is used to cover the ditch. The width of the ditch is 20cm, the ditch depth is 15cm, the car width is 120cm, and the thickness of the car cover is 2-3cm. After the ditching is completed, the ditch in the corner shall be excavated to remove the gravel in the ditch. Connect to the ditch.

(d) irrigation to promote the entire seedlings, closed weeds

The end of the machine is covered by open trenches, and the poorly-growing plots should be timely filled with ditch water to promote seed germination and improve the uniformity of emergence. After the car is wet, the herbicide acetochlor 120g per mu is sprayed on the car surface and the seedlings of the closed grass seeds germinate.

(5) Filling seedlings and strengthening field management

Rape grows to 2 true leaves, should pay close attention to the seedlings to fill seedlings, seedling density at the 68-inch specifications to remove excess seedlings, seedlings thin place should be planted according to specifications. When young seedlings should be removed seedlings, weak seedlings, keep strong growth, grow strong seedlings, acres of basic seedlings left 100-12000 strains.

(VI) Weeding at seedling stage

The end of the seedlings should be chemically weeded in time, and the weeds should be effectively eliminated before the 4 leaf stage. The weeds that are dominated by Gramineae are used as "high-efficiency herbicides" (45 ml/mu) or "fine g grass" (60 ml/mu), and "Gaisiling" (60 ml/mu). The use of broad-leaf weeds is based on the use of "Gottek" 30 ml per acre, or "good for many" 60 ml per mu, "rapid knife" 90 ml per acre, double pods 120 ml per acre, cents per acre 50 Ml. One of the agents was selected for field spraying at high temperatures on sunny days. Large grasses after the 4th leaf period must be removed manually.

(seven) seed dressing fertilizer

In late November, the application of Miao Fei is pursued. If the fertility of the field is poor, the weak growth of rape seedlings should be followed by urea 5 kg plus 8-10 renminbi for human and animal husbandry (or 7.5 kg for three-element compound fertilizer); the field has high fertility, and rape seedlings should have less growth. Chasing or not chasing.

At the end of December, over-the-counter winter fertilizers were used, and 10 mu of human and animal husbandry were used for pouring (or 5 kg of mu for urea).

The next year when the rapeseed moss is chasing Shi Lei, with 5 kg of urea and 5 kg of urea.

The first flowering period of rape was sprayed with boron fertilizer and carbendazim twice, 500-1000 grams of boron fertilizer and 500 grams of carbendazim were used.

Second, the reasons for stable production and high yield

(A) The increase in the number of acres per plant is the main reason for stable production and high yield

At present, rape seedling transplanting and transplanting techniques are one of the techniques for the growth and yield of rapeseed. However, due to labor intensity and long working hours, farmers' transplanted rapeseeds are difficult to meet the requirements of 9000-10,000 strains per acre. Some farmers are not able to transplant oilseed rape. Pay attention to quality, only 6000-7000 strains are planted per acre. Although individuals grow robustly and have obvious advantages, the yield per unit area is difficult to stabilize and increase due to the insufficient number of acres.

Machine dredging covers no-tillage seedlings of 100-120 grams per acre in direct seeding rape, with a seedling emergence rate of 20,000 seedlings per acre at 70 a.m., with seedlings and basic seedlings of over 10,000 acres, the group has obvious advantages, and canola seeding is timely. Full growth, individual and group coordination and reasonable, so the output increased significantly.

(B) No-tillage rapeseed with direct resistance to disease and light disease

In the traditional method of rapeseed cultivation, the rice layers are plowed, dried, broken, leveled, hiccuped and transplanted. The thickness of the loose soil layer is about 20cm. Each spring, when the rain is heavy, the loose soil becomes muddy. Layers, the roots of rape extended in the loose soil layer, thin mud fixed effect on the root system is weak, slightly exposed to the wind, rapeseed head and feet easily lodging, lodging of rape breeding disease, resulting in reduced fertility rate of mildew, is difficult to obtain high yield.

In no-tillage direct-seeded rapeseed, the main root system in deep-slabed soil layers has a stronger fixation effect on rapeseed plants than transplanting rapeseed; lateral root system grows between the soil layer and the cover and stretches to the surroundings, and the stem of rapeseed The pole has a supporting role. In January 1999, we investigated the root system of rape in Guangde Qiu Village. The main root length of non-cultivated rapeseed was 18cm long and the lateral root length was 20cm. The whole root system was T-shaped. The roots of transplanted and on-demand rapeseed were duck eggs. The main root system was. It is 18cm long, with many lateral roots and a dense length of 5-8cm. In the aftermath of a high wind in early April 1999, the transplanted rapeseed tripped from the roots, and the no-tillage live rapeseed roots were erect, with only the upper lateral ridges.

(C) timely sowing is to obtain a stable and high yield of rape

Due to too much labor input, a labor force in our country can only complete the transplanting of 1-1.5 mu of rapeseed on time and quality. Other fields can only be postponed or postponed on time, and planting plans cannot be completed within the optimal time. Late planting and late sowing of rapeseed have insufficient vegetative growth before winter and it is difficult to obtain high yield after spring. Machine trenching covers the advantages of using no-tillage direct rapeseed using machinery, can complete rape planting plan in a short period of time, make full use of effective light and temperature conditions from October to November to promote rapeseed growth, and accumulate photosynthetic products for high yields the following year.

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