Ember cultivation technology

A nursery <br> <br> emblic breeding methods seedling propagation, grafting, root suckers division propagation. In order to meet the needs of the seedlings of excellent varieties, the cultivation of good seedlings and grafted seedli.......

Eat these five kinds of meat to make men more healthy

Excessive meat consumption is not good, but from a nutritional point of view, giving up meat is not a way of health. Dietary balance is what we advocate. Meat is generally divided into three categories: livestock, poultry, and aquatic products. Pigs, cows, sheep, etc. are livestock, chicke.......

Face pale and eat cold food woman 5 face health problems

Core Tip: From the face of a person can see many problems, especially health problems. OL crushers often work hard to work hard day and night. The hardships are gone, but the health of the body has been greatly affected. You may wish to observe your own face frequently and you may understa.......

Parenting knowledge: What if the baby falls?

Parenting knowledge: What if the baby falls? Due to fun, carelessness and other reasons, and parents are not careful, the baby will inevitably fall out of bed, causing harm to the body. What if the baby falls? This is childcare knowledge that parents must understand. In simple terms, paren.......

How should winter wheat apply base fertilizer and fertilizer?

For a winter wheat crop yielding between 400 and 500 kg/mu in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, it is recommended to use mutatis mutandis for 1500-3000 kg, 15-20-10 and other medium-nitrogen-phosphorus-low-potassium compound fertilizers or 15-15-15, etc. Compound fertilizer 25 to 35 kilograms, or the .......

Common insecticide use taboo

1. The use of chlorpyrifos in the seedling stage is prone to phytotoxicity, while avoiding the use of flowers in some crops.

2. Triazophos pesticides should not be used on fruit cane, and it is easy to produce phytotoxicity.

3. Phoxim is easy to decompose due to light, it s.......

The culprit target disease of cucumber pulling prematurely

Cucumber target spot disease mainly damages the leaves, and is susceptible to disease in both fruit setting and fruiting stages. The middle and lower leaves begin to develop. The yellow spot is initially immersed in water and then grows from bottom to top. The lesions are nearly round. Sha.......

Twenty Marketing Elements of Big Snack Food Market

Preface: The equal opportunities in the snack food market When we enter the supermarket, we see a wide range of snack foods such as potato chips, shrimp paste, snow cake, preserved fruit, plum, peanut, pine nuts, almonds, pistachios, fish fillets, and dried me.......