Health care, good time, winter solstice health tips

The Cantonese people have the saying "the winter solstice has reached the New Year." It is said that there is an atmosphere of "year" in the winter solstice. Many people use the longest night of the year and use glutinous rice flour as the "winter solstice." This is called " Tim Timothy said that although "Year" hasn't passed, in fact, everyone has already been a year old.

In addition to the "yearly taste", this solar term is also a good time for health care. In the I Ching, there is a saying that the “winter solstice” is the day when the solar energy runs until the winter solstice and the cathode is positive. At this time, the human body is full of yang, and it is most likely to absorb foreign nutrients and exert its nourishing effect. That is, before and after the winter solstice is an important period of health care.

In the winter solstice, the weather is getting colder, which is often referred to as the cold days of September. People pay more attention to health. From the TCM health point of view, what aspects should be paid attention to during the winter solstice? Take a look at these winter health tips.

Spiritual care

The key to health care is to cultivate the mind. It is necessary to maintain good-natured and generous hearts at the beginning of health, and the heart is free from worries. In the winter solstice, you need to take care of yourself, keep your spirits relaxed, and maintain your spirits to be optimistic. You shouldn’t worry about trivial matters, don’t force fame and gains, and suffer from losses and gains; avoid long-term “overloading” to prevent overwork and overwork. Office workers can take a short nap after lunch to cushion work pressure.

Living conditioning

Chinese medicine believes that people are in harmony with the world, and climate change affects people's physical activities. Spring and summer are yang and the climate is warm; autumn and winter are overcast and the climate is cold. People also undergo physiological changes with the change of climate at the time. The three months of winter are the period of yang collection. The weather is very cold. It is important to protect the body's yang and not to over-dissipate it. If yang is consumed excessively in winter and the yang of the body is insufficiently stored, the following spring will be prone to weakness, dizziness and the like, which will be detrimental to health. Therefore, this time should pay more attention to the daily diet. The folk health has the saying that “there is always living and keeping their gods, and they don’t work hard and keep their spirits.” The winter solstice can reasonably arrange daily living and rest, and it will be able to maintain a sense of demeanor.

After winter, people often feel cold legs and feet. Experts of traditional Chinese medicine suggest that sticking to the feet of your feet every day will help relieve anxiety and insomnia, especially after the winter solstice, with the various tips of keeping your feet healthy. You can increase your body resistance by staying in your feet every day, but pay attention to the heat. Foot bathing is not for everyone.

Chinese medicine practitioners believe that "the weather is cold at the foot" and cold weather in winter. The human body is prone to blood stasis, cold muscle soreness, and poor peripheral nerve circulation, resulting in cold hands and various discomforts. Adhere to the use of hot water foot bath can clear the meridians, relieve symptoms and cold, to ease the cold hands and feet, dilate capillaries, promote brain blood supply and other effects.

However, if people suffering from athlete's foot often use hot water to soak their feet, it can easily cause wound infections. In addition, patients with diabetes and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients should not be hot feet, and the temperature of the water should be suitable for the temperature.

Another thing to note is that the water temperature should not be too high in winter when you soak your feet. If the water temperature is too high, it may easily cause insufficient blood supply to the heart, brain, and kidneys, etc. It is also easy to damage the sebum film on the skin surface of the foot and dry or even tear the stratum corneum.

Sports training

People in the winter solstice should go to bed early and get up late and wait for sunlight before they go out. “Because of the cold weather in the winter, it is easy for the body to be stimulated by cold air to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases because of the cold winter weather.” Director Chen suggested that the exerciser should have a large degree of freedom of time. The morning exercise can be arranged from 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning; tense office workers in the morning can exercise at 6 or 7 pm.
In addition, if the morning hypertensive patients in the winter exercise too early, the temperature is too low will make a sudden contraction of blood vessels, resulting in rapid increase in blood pressure, may cause angina pectoris, so the morning exercise in patients with hypertension should start after 8:00 in the morning, should be preceded by morning exercises Take antihypertensive medication as directed by your doctor.

The citizens who go out should also wear more clothes to avoid unnecessary outdoor activities and prevent over-consumption of yang. At the same time, they should try their best to “do not step, listen to the ear, listen to the ear, sit for a long time, or stay in the extreme”. tired". Sleeping well before and after the winter solstice has an important role in health science. Apart from ensuring night-time sleep, you can take a nap after lunch, but you should avoid cold when you sleep. Second, we must pay attention to wind and cold.

It should be noted that this time should not be carried out with high-intensity physical exercise, to avoid damage to yang, you can choose Tai Chi, Ba Duan Jin and other movements combined with movement.


Diet rehabilitation

As the saying goes, medicine is not as good as Sibu. In the winter, if we can properly choose foods that are delicious and have replenishment, we will undoubtedly accept it. In foods that are suitable for replenishing in the winter, Chinese medicine is divided into several major categories.

Winter Solstice Health Top 5 Supplements

1. Lamb

It is the best season to eat lamb in the winter months. In winter, the body is prone to cold hands and feet and poor circulation of blood and blood. Lamb has the effect of nourishing kidney, strengthening qi and blood, appetizing and invigorating the spleen, so eating mutton in the winter can not only resist coldness but also nourish the body.

2. White radish

In China, folks have the reputation of “small ginseng” and there are also “winter radish and summer ginger”. Radishes are rich in carbohydrates and vitamins. Vitamin C is 8-10 times higher than pears. Radish does not contain oxalic acid, not only does it not bind to calcium in food, but also helps calcium absorption.

3. Sweet potato

Eating hot and sweet sweet potatoes in winter is the most pleasant thing. Sweet potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, carotene, vitamins, and more than 10 trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, copper, selenium, and calcium. In addition, sweet potatoes are rich in potassium, which can effectively prevent high blood pressure and prevent stroke.


Northern Tangchao chestnut is well known and it is also listed in winter. Chestnuts have the good name of “King of the Thousand Fruits” and they are still “tonics” for kidney and Qi. The main effect of chestnuts is to nourish the stomach, strengthen the spleen and strengthen the kidneys, and it is suitable for young and old. Modern medical research found that unsaturated fatty acids and various vitamins contained in chestnuts have anti-hypertension, coronary heart disease, and arteriosclerosis.

5. 枸杞

Generally, the principles of keeping the health of the winter solstice should be mainly to replenishing yang and boosting yin and nourishing yin and tonifying kidneys, while wolfberry is a good choice for winter tonics.枸杞 is an excellent tonic, contains various nutrients essential to the body, including about 20% of protein, about 10% of fat, about 40% of sugar, and about 30% of it is inorganic salt and vitamins. Liver and kidney yin loss, waist and knee pain, vision weakness and diabetes embolism.

Winter solstice diet recipes suggestions

a, the choice of vegetables: sweet potatoes, rape, spinach, fungus, carrots, cabbage, radish, ginger, garlic, potatoes, yams, mushroom, mushrooms, alfalfa and so on.

b. Selection of staple foods and beans: Barley, wheat, barley, glutinous rice, black rice, oats, corn, glutinous rice, corn, black beans, sweet potatoes, red beans, soybeans and their products.

c, the choice of fruit: orange, orange, apple, date, longan, orange, banana, hawthorn, kiwi, papaya, persimmon and so on.

d. Selection of meat, Eggs and milk: beef, mutton, dog meat, chicken, liver, poultry blood, eel, squid, mullet, squid, shrimp, oysters, eggs, milk and its products.



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