High-yield and high-quality tea cultivation techniques

First, what is the high mountain tea usually produces the mountain tea above 600 meters above sea level to call the mountain tea. Takayama tea is increasingly popular for its superior quality, non-pollution, low (or even no) pesticide residues, and has become the preferred tea crystal for consumers.
Tea originated from China's Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. During the development of its system, it has formed a stimulating, moist, and diffuse light feature. The vegetation at high altitudes is lush and the mountains are high in cloud and fog. Therefore, the humidity is high and the light is diffused. It has ecological characteristics similar to its origin and is conducive to the growth and development of tea trees. Takayama tea region is generally characterized by deep soil, fertile soil and high organic matter content. The temperature difference between day and night is conducive to the accumulation and transformation of photosynthetic substances in tea plants, and it has the basis of raw materials for making fresh tea leaves. However, in the high mountain area, the number of sunshine hours is small, and the heat conditions are poor. The tea tree has a short growing time and is vulnerable to frost. The amount of rainfall is relatively large, and water and soil loss occur easily. Sometimes, the night temperature is low, which is detrimental to Oolong tea production.
II. What are the technical points for establishing a high standard for tea gardens?
1. Strictly choose the land. New tea gardens should be based on the requirements of tea trees on the environmental conditions selected soil pH4.5-6.5 well-structured red and yellow soil, deep soil layer, soil fertility, slope below 25 degrees, adequate water supply, convenient traffic and electricity communication slow slope area. And according to the requirements of pollution-free tea production, air, soil, and water quality are tested.
2. Unified planning. It is necessary to focus on the center of water and soil conservation and ecological balance, adapting to local conditions, focusing on tea, comprehensive planning and comprehensive management of Shanlin Tianlin Road, conscientiously implementing the design of road drainage and irrigation systems, and rationally arranging tea trees and tea garden shade trees (generally 8 acres). - 10 persimmon, pear is appropriate).
3, topsoil back to open trenches. Dig planting ditch on the planned tea line, first about 10-20cm topsoil, digging to put in between the two planting lines or the inner wall, and then dig the new soil to about 20cm in another tea line or on the outside, and then The soil around the soil is loosened by about 25cm, and the base fertilizer is applied. The soil and basal fertilizer are thoroughly mixed. The surface soil is then turned into planting trenches, and the stones and roots are picked to form a planting line for the preparation of tea. If you use the old tea plantation to plant sorghum, you must use chloronitrobenzene for disinfection.
4, Shizuji Fei. Mushi organic fertilizer is required to be more than 500kg, and phosphate fertilizer is about 50kg.
Third, tea tree planting any technical points?
1, select good seedlings.
2, timely planting. The period of planting is generally suitable for the seedling dormant period. Spring planting is preferred from the beginning of spring to convulsions. The autumn season is best followed by cold springs and the small positive spring climate before and after the frost fall. Move the seedlings with as much soil as possible without damaging the roots. The tea seedlings are too tall to be pruned 15-20 cm from the ground before transplanting as a first cut. The roots should be poured with water, and then a layer of loose soil. Then do a good job of antifreeze, drought and seedling seedlings.
Fourth, how to do a good job tea garden management in autumn and winter?
For young tea gardens and tea gardens with poor resistance to cold, winter green manure crops should be covered or planted to improve the cold resistance and increase the source of organic fertilizers; the Bamei 0.5-1 degree lime sulfur agent Spray the whole garden to reduce the base number of overwintering pests and diseases; use multi-flowered tea trees to spray 300 ppm of ethylene for one time in the blooming season to reduce the amount of flowers; pay close attention to the weather changes in the early spring of winter and take active and effective measures to prevent freezing in the tea garden. .
Fifth, how to do a good job tea garden fertilization?
1. Young tea plantations: Generally, from the end of October to early November of each year, 1.5 to 3 tons of manure is used as a base fertilizer for deep-cultivation; and the top dressing is different according to the age of the seedlings. About 5 kg of fertilizer or 250-400 kg of rare human excrement is applied before the spring tea or after the spring tea; the second-year tea plant uses about 10 kg of standard N fertilizer or 400-500 kg of rare human excrement during the year. 60% before the application and 40% after the spring tea; 3 and 4 in-year tea plants apply about 15 kg of standard N fertilizer in the year, and apply 50%, 30%, and 20 respectively before spring tea, after spring tea, and after summer tea. %; NPK three-element ratio is 1:1 for 1-2 years: 1:3-4-year-old is 2:1:1; fertilization methods should be based on relatively concentrated shallow ditch or hole-based application.
2. The production of tea garden: In practice, the production of dry tea is estimated to be 3.5 kg per kg of dry tea produced within 250 kg of pure N, and the ratio of dry tea of ​​250-400 kg per mu is calculated as 1:6. 400 kilograms of tea must be counted as 1:5. The proportion of NPK three elements, the green tea area is generally 2-4:1:1, oolong tea area 2-3:1:1. Promote fertilization methods for "one base," "three pursuits," and "multiple sprays." In the middle of October to early November each year, deep plowing in tea plants combined with N fertilisers and 40-50 percent fertilisers for the entire year are applied. Fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, such as cake fertilizer, human waste, heap fertilizer, pig cattle fertilizer, soil miscellaneous fertilizer, pond mud, etc., with the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, compound fertilizer, etc., this is "a base"; "One month before the spring tea is mined, 15-20 days after picking the spring tea and 15 days before picking the autumn tea, we combine topdressing and weeding in the tea garden to separately apply the quick-acting fertilizer. These three fertilizers account for 50-60 of the annual N fertilizer use. %, the rest of the summer and autumn teas account for about 25% of the top dressings; “multiple sprays” refer to the use of chemical fertilizers and other foliar nutrient solutions for the extra-root topdressing during the tea season, especially during the summer and autumn tea seasons, and are generally on sunny mornings. After the dew is dry, spraying in the evening or on cloudy days, we must spray wet leaves to absorb the leaves. In the spraying period, it is best to use tea leaves and buds and leaves for the first time.
Six, tea tree how to trim?
1. Young tea tree styling pruning saplings are generally 3-4 times fixed cut, can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn, the best early spring in March before the spring tea bud is not germinating. For the first time, when the height of the tea seedlings is 30cm, cut it horizontally at the height of 15-20cm from the ground, and cut it off from the ground at the height of 15-20cm from the ground in the original cut. About 55-60cm is cut off, the fourth is cut into an arc around 60-70cm from the ground and the canopy is cultivated, and the second to fourth fixed cuts are the stem diameters that were germinated on the basis of the previous fixed shear. More than 4cm, the number of leaves with more than 7-8 leaves, the pruning of semi-lignified branches is carried out, and during the young period, the adoption method of "maintaining, proper topping," is adopted. To achieve a top cut above the fixed cut mining, and firmly prevent early mining, strong mining and indiscriminate mining.
2, the production of tea plantation canopy update late autumn tea season is completed, in late October to early November before the light pruning, the level of slightly curved to cut off the crown 3-5m tea branches, and cut off the protruding branches, disease Branches of larvae, senescent shoots, etc.; and for the young and middle-aged tea gardens with many chicken claw branches after repeated picking, the deep teasing is performed before or after the spring tea or after the end of the tea season. The level of 10-15cm on the surface of the crown was slightly curved and the tea branch consisting mainly of chicken claws was cut. For the aging tea tree, after the spring tea is finished, use a knife or a sawtooth at the location 10 cm away from the ground to promote the new shoot.
Seven, how to properly pick tea garden timely closure of the park?
In the spring, 10-15% of the tea on the awnings and about 10% of the summer and autumn shoots reach the picking standard, they will be mined and harvested in batches in a timely manner. The picking method of “leaving fish leaves in spring and autumn and leaving leaves in summer” is particularly necessary. Note that during the summer, the clips that are easily formed in this season are easily collected. Before and after the frost season, the tea season will be closed before the end of November.
What is pollution-free tea (low residual tea, green tea, organic tea)?
Non-environmental tea is a scientific term. It means that the tea does not contain pollutants, or even if there is a small amount of pollutants, but it is lower than the allowable standards set by our country, and it has no pollution to consumers. Therefore, it is a general term for tea in line with food safety. .
In the development of pollution-free tea production, green tea, organic tea and low-residue tea have appeared in succession. In fact, they all belong to pollution-free tea. Green food is the collective name for pollution-free safe and high-quality nutritious food in China. It is divided into two grades: A grade and AA grade. The Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China and the provincial green food management offices conduct environmental testing and quality certification on the production sites. The validity period of the certificate is three. Year; low residue tea is proposed in recent years for the European Union to formulate a new maximum residue (MRL) standard for pesticides; organic tea is a type of organic food, and the unit identified by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) Eligible for certification, organic tea in China is approved and tested by the Organic Food Development Center of the State Environmental Protection Agency and its approved organic tea development sub-center (in the Tea Research Institute of Hangzhou Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences), and the validity period of the certificate is no more than one year. It is necessary to re-inspect the certification. AA grade green tea and organic tea are similar.
Nine, pollution-free tea production technology?
Pollution-free tea is an inevitable requirement for tea consumption in the future. The implementation of pollution-free tea production and management has become a new technology that tea producers must master.
(1) Strictly choose the land for the construction of the new park For the barren hills to be built, conduct water, air and soil tests before the construction of the park to ensure that the conditions of the tea plantation meet the pollution-free tea production requirements, and select locations where the air, soil, and water sources are not polluted. Within a kilometer, there shall be no factories, mines, etc. that emit harmful substances, and it shall be located more than 1 km away from the general production of tea gardens, field crops, and residents' living quarters.
(2) Quarantine of seedlings to be introduced When importing seedlings such as tea seedlings, tea seedlings, ear-sprouts, etc. from outside, they must be introduced by the phytosanitary authority before they can be imported to prevent pests from entering the local area that are not locally available. .
(III) Standardizing base construction When constructing an existing tea plantation base with a certain scale, the tea plantation and surrounding environment must meet the requirements of the standard, and water, air and soil should be tested to obtain quantitative data; secondly, When reforming existing low-yield tea plantations, the technical regulations of "three changes and one supplement", namely, "changing gardens, revising soil, replanting trees, and replanting plants" must be implemented in accordance with local conditions, with soil and water conservation as the center, to realize the society, The three major economic and ecological benefits are the goal of comprehensive planning and comprehensive management of Shanshui Garden Road.
(4) Appropriate fertilization of tea seedlings is mainly based on organic fertilizer before and after transplanting, and the use of inorganic fertilizer is strictly controlled; commodity organic fertilizers and mineral fertilizers that do not contain synthetic chemical regulators must be used after being registered and registered by relevant departments, and farm organic fertilizers must be used. Is no industrial pollution, and after high-temperature fermentation to kill a variety of parasites and pathogens and weed seeds, remove harmful organic acids and harmful gases; production season can be a small amount of chlorine-free available fertilizer, chemical fertilizer application amount shall not exceed The total amount of fertilizer applied is 20%.
(E) Integrated control of pests
l. Strengthen agricultural control. Pest prevention and control of pollution-free tea gardens should be based on agricultural control, improve tea tree self resistance, reduce incidence and harm of pests. 1 Selection of disease-resistant and disease-resistant varieties, tea-tree varieties with thick cutin layer and high tea tannins have strong resistance to pests and diseases. 2 Properly dense planting, using a single line of double or dual line single planting, acres of planting about 3000. 3 timely pruning. According to different tree vigor, light trimming is performed before the end of the tea season or before the spring tea, and after the spring tea is finished, heavy trimming or retching is performed, and at the same time, the weak branches, diseased shoots and leggy branches are cut. 4 balanced fertilization. According to the proportion of tea and soil fertility, the proportions of N, P, and K are three factors to maintain the nutritional balance of the tea tree and enhance the resistance to pests and diseases. 5 tillage weeding. 6 Batch picking several times. 7 Winter Park closed the park. At the end of the tea season, the litter and weed straws around the tea plantations and tea gardens should be cleared out of the park and burned or buried deeply. At the same time, 0.5-1.0 Baumide's lime sulfur should be sprayed to seal the garden to reduce the disease. The wintering base of insects will reduce the harm in the coming year.
2, promote biological control. The use of natural enemies, insect pathogens, agricultural antibiotics, and other defense agents to control the damage of tea plants will help maintain ecological balance. Such as Beauveria bassiana "871" prevention and treatment of tea Lizard weevil, tea caterpillar virus "8010" prevention and treatment of tea caterpillars, Verbena spp. control Black Turtle Whitefly, Corydalis spp., killing scale fine control tea feet, Tianba prevention Tea green leafhopper, Nongken 101 prevent and cure cloud blight.
3, reasonable chemical prevention. The designated person is responsible for monitoring and forecasting pests and diseases in tea gardens. In the early stage of pests and diseases, the pesticides of high potency, low toxicity and low residue, safe to tea plants and natural enemies are selected in time, and the amount of pesticides is controlled to a minimum to prevent and control. The use of highly toxic drugs in tea plants is absolutely prohibited. Highly toxic and high-residue pesticides, while following the principle of alternate rotation and compounding, and improving spray technology and methods to increase the effect of spraying.
(VI) Emphasis on the strict processing and packaging requirements of tea processing equipment and environmental sanitation, cleanliness and non-pollution, prohibit the use of pigments, preservatives, quality modifiers and other chemical additives, eliminate harmful metals including lead, tin, manganese, cadmium and other metal materials as processing tools. Oxygen-resistant, odorless, non-toxic, non-polluting packaging materials, in addition to packaging and transportation and other circulating media can not be exposed to the above metals, mercury, arsenic, copper, etc. must be eliminated, while strict monitoring of harmful bacteria such as E. coli and other causes The occurrence of pathogenic bacteria, aflatoxin, etc., made it fully compliant with the detection criteria of non-environmental tea.

Black Goij berry

Black Goji Berry is the herb originated in China. It is the richest in nutrient call oligomeric roanthocyanidins, which helps to eliminate toxins. This nutrient have great antioxidant properties and can be used for cancer prevention. Black goji berry is know to have powerful antioxidant and anti-aging properties to delays the aging process and helps you to look young


Black Goji berry Grade Three Description

Product Name: Black Goji berry

Place of Origin :  China(Mainland)

Cultivation Type: Natural, Open Air

Grade: Grade Three

Shape: Oval

Color: Black

Taste: Sweet

Drying Process: AD

Max. Moisture(%): 13%

Use Method : Medicinal, edible and healthy value

Packaging: bulk packing 4 kg/aluminum foil bag, 16kg/carton

Net Weight  : 16kg

Gross Weight : 17.5kg

Carton size : 51x37x29cm

Storage: Dried and cool place, Ventilation, Moisture proof

Shelf Life : 18 months


Certificate: Eurofins Certificate, SGS Certificate

MOQ: 100kg

Payment: T/T, Western Union, L/C, D/P

Delivery: 15 working days after down payment (deposit)

Departure Port: Tianjin/Qingdao 

Loading: 11.5 Tons/1*20GP container


Black Goji Berries Grade Three


Q: How about payment terms?

A: 30% TT deposit+70% TT before shipment, 30% TT deposit+70% TT balance against scanned Copy B/L, Flexible payment can be negotiated.

Q: Production and deliver

A: After deposit, goji berry order enter into 1st stage( production, packaging, factory inspect, etc), then 2nd stage is CIQ inspection and written CIQ Certificate lead time one week(7 days), 3rd stage we arrenge cargo shipment to departure port. Vessel lead time as per destination port in different countries( Such as North America line, South America Line,  EMP, Asia, Australia, etc )

Black Goji Berries Grade Three

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