Prevention of bitter gourd yellow leaf fertilizer management

Recently, when interviewed by reporters at Panjia Village, Sunjiaji Street, Shouguang City, a number of farmers reported that the bitter gourds that were planted in their own greenhouses entered the period of squashing, and the yellowish stem leaves appeared to varying degrees. The local peopl.......

Pigeon Breeding Management Points

First, kind of situation

Pittland pigs are native to Pietland, in the Buthurst area of ​​Belgium, hence the name Pietrain. Pitlan is one of the most lean breeds in the lean pig breeds in the world. It began cultivation in 1920 and was developed in Wolong in 1950. Duri.......

Thirty ways to raise pig milk

Some sows have little or no milk for several days after giving birth, which directly affects the growth of piglets. The following methods can be used to promote the sow's early milk and prolific milk. You may wish to try:

1, vitamin milk method. Take vitamin E 500 mg and feed t.......

The first ornamental fish - guppies

The guppies, also known as rainbow fish, millions of fish, and anchovies, belong to the flower family, ovary, and are native to Venezuela, Guyana, and the West Indies. Because it is petite, colorful, beautiful, and strong breeding power, easy to raise, so loved and welcomed by ornamental fish .......

Chinese barb?

The Chinese barb is a genus Aceraceae, a subfamily, a barbed genus, commonly known as a bamboo scorpion, a bamboo cypress, and a cypress. Its body is long-shaped, laterally flat, slightly taller in the middle, body back grayish black, body side dark green with grayish-brown, ventral surface gr.......

Winter wheat fertilizer use technology

The fertilization of winter wheat in the vegetative growth stage (emergence, tillering, wintering, returning green, getting up, jointing) is mainly aimed at promoting tillering and increasing panicles, while at the reproductive growth stage (preparation, heading, flowering, filling, maturing),.......

Introduction of Boer Goat Introduction and Management

Introduction of Boer goat goats at the beginning of feeding and management: Boer goat is a world-famous meat goat breed. It is native to South Africa and has the advantages of strong adaptability, rapid growth rate, high reproductive rate, and obvious meat characteristics. Through the practice.......

Pellet feed feed fish four note

Pay attention to the water quality and dissolved oxygen in the fish pond and find that the water quality is bad. Add water in time to improve the water quality of the fish pond. The dissolved oxygen per litre of water in the fish pond is generally required to be more than 4 milligrams. If it i.......

Current vegetable pruning should grasp two principles

Recently, the reporter learned from an interview with Yuesi Han Village of Sunjiaji Street in Shouguang City that most of the local winter cucumbers have been planted and are in a slow seedling period. How to manage this time to make cucumber seedling fast, seedlings robust, the village's .......