Things to watch out for in the autumn diet

As the temperature of the air decreases, people’s appetite gradually increases and their digestive capacity increases. It is a good season to compensate for the lack of nutrition caused by the hot summer temperatures.

Into the autumn, temperatures in most parts of the countr.......

The basic knowledge and application of green feed

First, the concept of green feed The green feed refers to the fresh stems and leaves of plants that can be used as feed. The green feed derived from the rich in chlorophyll mainly includes natural grasses, cultivated pastures, field weeds, lettuces, aquatic plants, twigs, etc. . The ration.......

Cage culture jaundice technology

First, the breeding conditions The surrounding environment of the pond is good, no noise, no pollution, less silt, water depth of about 1.5 meters, drainage and irrigation convenience.

Second, cages generally choose high-quality polyethylene, the size of 2 meters 3 meters 1.5 meter.......

How to prevent and control strawberries

As for how to control the problem of strawberry land tigers, our reporter Sun Lifeng gave the following suggestions for reference. 2. Use emulsified emulsion of 30 to 40 ml per acre with 2.5% enemy, and add 75 kg of water to the strawberry seedlings after sunset to make regular spraying so tha.......

How to feed rabbits with sweet potato

Sweet potato quail should not be fed alone to rabbits, because feeding rabbits with sweet potato quail alone can easily lead to rabbits not getting pregnant, diarrhea, or even death.

The content of vitamin K in sweet potato quail is very small, and vitamin K is an indispensable nut.......

Prevention of banana mosaic heart rot

Banana mosaic heart rot, usually mosaic and heart rot in the same strain, but sometimes only see the mosaic or heart rot.
The appearance of yellow discontinuous streaks or spindle circle spots on the external symptoms leaves, with the leaves of the old, these stripes or circle spots gradu.......

Concentrated pineapple juice processing

1. Process selection of raw materials → cleaning → cut end, peeled → juice → filter → degassing → sterilization → cooling → concentration → bottling
2. Operation points
(1) Selection of raw materials Select two fruits.......

Budgie breeding

The budgies are also called Jiaofeng, Caifeng and Aso. Originating in Australia, it has been cultivated artificially and has become a caged bird in the world. This kind of bird has gorgeous feathers, is easy to raise, and can be bred in large numbers for people to enjoy.

Budgies ca.......

Buy Used Farm Machinery Attention

The economic development of the countryside is inseparable from large-scale agricultural machinery. In the vast rural areas, there are many poor farmers who want to use their agricultural machinery to make a fortune. Even after the government subsidized large-scale agricultural machinery, .......