Tianma trench cultivation new technology

Gastrodia elata has high production efficiency. Since the fourth quarter of 2006, the purchase price of fresh ramie was generally 20 yuan per kilogram. The planting input in the first year was slightly higher, and the production benefit was about 200 yuan per square meter; after the second year, the use of self-produced The hemp seeds can be expanded and cultivated, and the benefits are higher than the previous year. Naturally, the cultivation of high-yield new technologies is now available, and the yield can be greatly increased. This is the second reason; Secondly, the market is expected to be at the end of this year. There will be a substantial increase in prices, the current purchase price protection has reached an average of 30 yuan per kilogram, from one side you can see the market demand for Gastrodia. If there is demand, there will be a market; if there is a market, there will inevitably be production; and thirdly, because of the increasing reputation and status of Chinese medicine in the international arena, foreign consumers are also interested in Tianma and other products, and Tianma health products. In the foreign market is also gradually emerging, so that Gastrodia in the growing domestic demand, the export volume increased significantly, so Gastrodia has a huge market potential and prospects.

According to current price calculation, when planting a square meter of gastrodia at the time of initial cultivation, it is necessary to use “Luji 2” hybrids of Tianma and honey ring fungus at about 85 yuan, plus sand, section wood, etc., with a total investment of about 120 yuan. , The general output is about 30 pounds, the current market price, the profit per square meter is about 200 yuan (not including the remaining hemp seeds, about 3 square meters or more per square meter).

Tianma ditch type cultivation is a new technology that has been researched and promoted for many years. According to analysis, the reason why this technology can greatly increase the production of gastrodia elata is basically that the underground temperature is suitable, the basic year is basically in a constant state, and gastrodia grows. There is basically no problem with dormancy during the process. Secondly, the groundwater has stable humidity, so long as there is no water in the plots and the soil permeability is good, there will be no problem of uneven, unbalanced moisture, etc. Finally, it is basically unaffected by the ground environment. Specific cultivation techniques mainly include the following points:

1. Choosing good strains or strains: When strains are grown with sections of wood, it is required to use one generation of isolated strains without pests and diseases.

2. Choosing good hemp seeds: Requires the use of sexual hybrid hemp seeds, hemp body without any damage, no spots, no pests.

3. Choose the venue: Choose a slightly higher topography without drying, soft soil, no accumulation of water, no possible accumulation of water, and good permeability.

4. Trenching treatment: digging grooves about 60 to 80 cm in width and 80 to 100 cm in depth in the north and south direction; laying a layer of about 10 to 20 cm thick sand on the bottom of the trenches, filling with water once, and spraying or irrigating with the water 800 Phoxim solution and 800 times carbendazim solution.

5. Seeding preparation: When using strains, it is necessary to advance logging for 2 to 3 days in advance, or soak the dry sections in clean water, and transport them to the cultivated land before sowing.

6. Seeding: SAMe as conventional sowing. A rain shelter should be set up on the top of the trench to prevent rainwater from entering the trench directly.

7. Management: sow the first 10 days to pour through the water; take a short ditch shade along the ditch such as weeds, corn stalks and so on. After that, it is poured every 20 days or so; in the low temperature season, the cultivation ditch covered with plastic film and a layer of straw can be considered for heat preservation.

From the perspective of many years of production practices and surveys, there is a problem that vegetative propagation methods used in Tianma production are reduced year by year and quality is declining. Therefore, from a long-term perspective, Tianma must be “changed”, so it should be promoted and used. Sexual hybrids to achieve ideal production results. It should be noted that hybrids of the gastrodia are not only seeded like a corn seed, but they can be cross-breeded for many years and can be used for self-cultivation for many years. This will not only maintain the hybrid superiority of hybrids of gastrodia, but also reduce the production cost, and will be deeply planted. The welcoming of households is conducive to the promotion of technology.

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