Qiuzao struck, how to resist?

Qiuzao struck, how to resist?

In the dry autumn climate, people often feel dry mouth and throat and dry cough, but also because the lung and large intestine, the autumn can also appear dry stool. Qiuzao can also lead to dry lips, dry skin, and hair loss. Therefore, Qiuzao can be said to be the enemy of health and beauty. Xiaobian has led us all to find ways to deal with Qiuzao.

First of all, pay attention to add water. Since the outside world is dry, we will replenish water internally. Drink 3 to 4 cups of water daily to maintain the body's moisture balance.

In addition to replenishing water, the daily diet must be correct. The autumn diet should be based on the principle of nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs and preventing dryness and protecting yin. Can eat pears, apples, grapes, bananas, radishes and green leafy vegetables to help prevent dryness, and eat less hot peppers, onions, ginger, garlic and other hot and spicy things.

Eating fruits is an important means of daily replenishing and moistening the lungs. What is the selection criteria for fruit? Fruits need to be "increased acid" to increase the liver's function and resist the invasion of lungs. The following "acid" fruits are available:

1, Apple: Chinese medicine believes that Apple has the functions of Sheng Jin, Runfei, Chufan, appetizers, sober, etc., for indigestion, Qi Zhu unreasonable, can be served in juice.

Modern medicine believes that apples can prevent and eliminate fatigue. Potassium in apples can be combined with excess sodium in the body and excreted from the body. When you eat too much salt, you can eat apples to help eliminate, so eating apples or drinking apple juice is good for hypertensive patients.

2, grapes: sweet, sour, fresh sweet and sour taste, thirst, appetite and digestion, but the weak spleen and stomach should not eat, eat more diarrhea.

3, carambola: sweet, sour, flat, the fruit can thirst. If you suffer from wind-heat cough in the fall, you can wash the starfruit fresh; if suffering from urine heat astringent, use fresh star fruit 2 to 3, wash chopped, smashed into juice, warm boiled water, served twice; if suffering Sore throat, fresh raw carambola washed raw, 2 to 3 times a day, each time 1 to 2. However, this product more food to hurt the stomach, especially the plain spleen and stomach Deficiency should eat less.

4, grapefruit: sexual acid, cold, in addition to swelling, phlegm and cough, stomach digestion, swelling and pain, apply to stomach, indigestion, chronic cough, expectorant asthma and other embolism. Grapefruit is known for its richness in vitamin C and is beneficial to people with cardiovascular diseases and obesity. The organic acids contained in grapefruit are mostly tannic acid, and tannic acid has the effect of eliminating human fatigue.

5, lemon: taste very acid, with Sheng Jin, thirst quencher, Qushu, such as fetal function, citric acid is a variety of fruits contained in the name of the most organic acids. Patients with high blood pressure and myocardial infarction often drink lemon beverages, which will greatly improve symptoms.

6, hawthorn: sexual taste sour, sweet, lukewarm, there are scattered phlegm, consumer product, phlegm, detoxification, blood circulation, refreshing, clearing the stomach, refreshing brain, heatstroke, increase appetite and other effects on high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes, etc. More than a dozen diseases have a significant effect.

Experienced by Xiao Bian, fruit anti-Qiuzao can be effective!

For some people with severe symptoms of Qiuzao, they can be supplemented by traditional Chinese medicines, while Chinese wolfberry and Ophiopogon japonicus are good products for autumn lungs.

In addition, maintaining good sleep is also the key to anti-autumn. Ample sleep, the body's various functions in order to fully play its role in the balance of human health.

In short, a healthy diet, adequate sleep then you will be able to successfully resist the invasion of Qiuzao!

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