Biocontrol Technology of Cabbage Butterfly

The cabbage butterfly is also known as cabbage butterfly and white butterfly. The larva is called cabbage caterpillar. It is one of the main pests of cruciferous vegetables, especially the cabbage-type vegetables.

Hazardous larvae feed on the leaves and the discharged feces contami.......

Crops between diseases and pests

Research and practice have proven that crops can be controlled or mitigated by cropping or interplanting, interplanting, or mixed cropping, and that the occurrence of certain pests and diseases can often be controlled or mitigated, thus receiving the effect of “do not apply pesticide.......

Adding sauce to grow faster

The taste of pigs is developed, and there are 15,000 taste cells in the oral cavity. Adding spices (flavoring agents) to the feed can promote the secretion of salivary glands, stomach glands, and pancreas, increase feed intake, and promote growth and development. There are several types of.......