High-yield Cultivation Techniques of Non-pollution and Non-pollution of Green Soybean

Due to its short cycle, low investment, quick results, and high profitability, the spring soybeans are welcomed by farmers in northern Fujian. Generally, 500-700 kilograms of fresh taro can be produced per mu, and the net income of mu is about 1000-1400 yuan. Now the high-yielding and high-efficiency cultivation techniques of wolfberry seedlings are described as follows: I. Selection of improved varieties, rational rotation, selection of early Liaosheng No. 1, Taiwan 292, Japan, short growth period, strong resistance, wide adaptability, high yield, and good quality. Qing, Da Pei Wang 2, Da Pei Wang 6, Da Pei Wang No. 8 and other fine varieties; soybeans intolerant continuous cropping, should be non-legume crop rotation, crop rotation. Second, scientifically choose land and improve soil 1. Scientific selection of land: Non-pollution cultivation of taro bean should be selected from the industrial and mining areas, without any sources of pollution, good ecological environment, convenient drainage and irrigation, deep soil layer, high organic matter content, good permeability, soil fertility above average, pH about 6.5 loam Or sandy loam field planting. 2. Improved soil: The soil in northern Guizhou is mostly red soil (74.6% of the total land area). The characteristics of the soil are “瘠, shallow, sour, sticky and hard”, ie “瘠”: soil is barren, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. Lack of trace elements; "shallow": soil plow shallow, less than 15 cm in 75% paddy; "acid": strong acidity, average pH times 5.0; "sticky": viscous when wet; "hard": dry When hard; is not conducive to the growth and development of soybeans. Therefore, basal fertilizer must be applied before the planting of green soybeans to increase the application of organic fertilizer phase phosphorus, potassium, calcium fertilizer, and the soil acidity, improve the soil pellet structure and improve soil fertility. Generally, 800-1000 kilograms of farmyard manure, 30-40 kilograms of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, and 50-70 kilograms of lime are used. Then squatted and raked in width of 90 cm (with a ditch). After the squat, the ditch was filled with half a ditch of water so that the water could penetrate into the sampan, and then drained and sowed the next day. Third, timely early broadcast, reasonable close planting 1. Timely early sowing: Sophora japonica sowing time should consider the local climate, market and other factors, so that timely broadcast, the morning market, to ease the contradiction between the supply and demand of vegetables in the off-season in northern Anhui early summer, to win the high price effect, to obtain the highest economic benefits. In general, the film cultivation can be planted in late February to February, and the open field cultivation can be planted in the middle or late March. Seeding must choose "cold tail warmer" to clear the sowing, seed treatment before sowing: (1) seed selection, use full-fledged seeds, no cracks, no lesions of autumn seeds; (2) drying seeds, drying seeds 1 - 2 hours, in order to promote germination; (3) seed dressing, with 100 ml of water production increase the amount of seed or an acre amount of 0.55 kg of biological potassium fertilizer, add water, mix well, mix and dry after sowing. 2. Reasonable dense planting: narrow-necked double-row sowing, spacing 35 cm, 30 cm spacing, 2-3 seeds per hole. Acres use 4 to 5 kg. The basic point is 0.8-0.9 million, and 1.8-20,000 plants per mu. After the broadcast, cover 2-3 cm thick fire soil. Fourth, scientific fertilization, appropriate application of micro-fabric due to their own nitrogen-fixing rhizobium nitrogen characteristics, the demand for nitrogen is less, and the demand for phosphorus, potassium, boron, molybdenum, zinc and other nutrients prominent, the general lack of phosphorus in the acidic red loam in northern Anhui Potassium, boron, aluminum, zinc and other nutrients, therefore, non-polluting cultivation of green soybeans should be scientific fertilization, adequate base fertilizer, apply less nitrogen fertilizer, increase organic fertilizer, no application or less chemical fertilizer, discretionary application of trace fertilizer. 1. Miao Fei: Early application of Miao Fei. The seedling cotyledon nutrient is basically exhausted, root nodule is forming, nitrogen fixation ability is not strong, therefore, in the three-leaf stage before the Mushi manure excrement should be 200-300 kg or urea 5-8 kg, potassium sulfate 6 kg:. 2. Fertilizer: Flowering period is the most sensitive period for all kinds of nutrient needs of soybeans. In the early flowering period, 100 grams of urea, 20 grams of ammonium molybdate, 100 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 30 grams of borax, 30 grams of zinc phosphate and 50 kilograms of water should be used. , spraying at 4 pm. 3. Cocoon fertilizer: The period of scab is the peak period of soybean absorption of phosphorus and potassium. According to experiments, phosphorus and potash fertilizers can increase production by 8.4% to 16.7%% at this time. Therefore, 20 grams of ammonium molybdate, 100 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 25 grams of borax, and 10 grams of zinc sulfate are used per acre in the scab stage. Add 50 kg of water and mix thoroughly. After spraying at 4 pm, the number of scabs can be effectively increased, and grain size and grain weight can be promoted. Fifth, weeding, weeding, rational irrigation and drainage 1. Cultivated soil: The cultivator can remove weeds, loosen the soil, increase ventilation, promote nutrient release, and is conducive to root system development and rhizobia reproduction. The cultivator should highlight the words “early, shallow, and deep”. The first cultivator must be in front of the clover and light, and the second cultivator in the branching period should be deep, combined with soil, to prevent lodging. 2. Reasonable irrigation and drainage: Soybean is a crop that is afraid of drought and scarcity. According to its water requirement law and the characteristics of climate and rainfall in northern Fujian, management should master “dry seedlings, wet flowers, and millennial grasses”. Seedling stage maintains low moisture and promotes hairy roots; flower bud differentiation period to flowering and sowing period, as appropriate, shallow water ground irrigation, the soil sees wetness is not seen, to prevent flowering and falling down; drum grain phase alternates dampness, drought and decline. Six, prevention-based, comprehensive prevention and treatment of soybean major pests and diseases are soybean rust, downy mildew, purple spot, aphids, soybean meal. In the prevention and control of the implementation of "mainly prevention, comprehensive prevention and control", with agricultural control, physical control, biological control, chemical pesticides supplemented by the principle of harmless prevention. The first is to adopt a variety of measures, including resistance (impervious) pests and varieties, reasonable rotation, scientific fertilization, reasonable irrigation and drainage, and cultivating and weeding, to cultivate disease-free and strong seedlings and improve plant resistance to diseases and insect pests. When pests and diseases occur sporadically, they can be removed. Branches, leaves, concentrated burned, reduce the source of transmission. The second is the use of pests to seduce the tropism of color, such as the control of locusts can be used to hunt and kill the yellow plastic sheet in the field. Third, the use of microbial pesticides such as control of aphids can be controlled by avermectin, and soybean meal can be controlled by Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Fourth, when chemical pesticides need to be controlled, high-efficiency, low-toxicity, low-residue pesticides must be used, such as mancozeb, zeocin, chlorothalonil, Bordeaux fluid, triadimefon (tetrazolium), orthosin; Taibao, speed killing, imidacloprid (big hero) and so on. Fifth, the use of highly toxic and high-residue pesticides such as methamidophos and dichlorvos is strictly prohibited. Sixth, it is reasonable to use pesticides to prevent pests from developing drug resistance, strictly control the amount of drugs used and the number of drugs used, and safety intervals. Seven, grasp the appropriate period, timely harvest and strictly control the harvest time, when the grain is up to 80%, when the appearance of clam shell is green, the best time for the harvest barley, fresh beans at this time, the appearance of green, Excellent quality, good flavor, high commodity value.

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