Identification and Prevention of Common Fennel Diseases

1. Powdery mildew harmed the aerial part of the plant, and the more mature parts of the plant began to develop. White powdery spots appeared on the surface of the leaves at the initial stage. Afterwards, they gradually expanded and merged with each other to form a thick layer of white powder on the surfaces of the stems and leaves. In severe cases, the leaves faded. , necrosis and withering. Control methods: When harvesting, completely remove the burning of the diseased residue to reduce the bacteria source; In the early stage of the disease, timely use 15% triadimefon 1500 times solution 2000 times, 25% enemy force 3000 times solution, 70% methylthiobacillus Ling 1000 times plus 75% chlorothalonil 1000 times, spray every 10 days to 15 days, even spray 2 to 3 times. The fennel cultivated in protected areas can also be sprayed with 5% chlorothalonil dust at the early stage of disease, and 1 kg per mu. 2. Root rot mainly damages the roots and causes dead or rotten roots. In severe cases, the plants become necrotic, which has a great impact on the yield. In the early stage of disease, the root tip or radicle became brown water stain, and later became dark brown necrotic lesions. Gradually developed, the main root was rust yellow to rust brown rot. Finally, only fibrous vascular bundles remained, and the diseased plants could easily pull out of the soil. From. A layer of white mold develops on the surface of rhizomes when wet. The leaves of the diseased plants gradually became yellow and necrotic from the outside, and finally the whole plant died. Control methods: Before sowing or before transplanting, use 50% carbendazim 2 kg-3 kg per acre, mixed with fine soil 50 kg-60 kg, furrow application or acupuncture; when planting or early onset, use more than 50% 500 times solution of mycorrhizal, 25% of the enemy off 1000 times liquid or 45% Tecdo 1000 times watering planting points or irrigation roots, per plant (acupuncture) irrigation liquid 0.25 kg to 0.5 kg. 3. Sclerotinia mainly damage stems, stem bases and petioles. The appearance of the damaged plants was withered and wilted. The diseased part was brown and moist and then became soft and rot. The surface was spider silkworms. Lateral diseased parts of the surface and stem cavity produced dark brown mouse urea nucleus. Prevention and control methods: Seriously implement crop rotation, pay attention to field hygiene, and collect diseased bodies in a timely manner. Increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to prevent the single application of excessive nitrogen fertilizer. For diseases that are difficult to turn crops, when planting, use 40% chlorobenzene 4 kg per mu, add 25 kg of fine soil, made poisonous soil applicator. In the early stage of disease, spray 50% Suo Ke Ling 1500 times liquid to 2000 times liquid, 50% heparin 1000 times liquid or 40% saccharine net 500 times liquid. 4. Botrytis mainly damages leaves and petioles, and sometimes it also harms bulbs. It begins with the onset of senescence, necrosis, or watery leaves or petioles, causing necrosis and rot in the branches and leaves, producing a gray moldy layer on the surface of the diseased tissue. The bulbs were stained with gray-green to gray-brown necrosis at the beginning of the disease, and later they were softened and rotted, resulting in a gray mold layer on the surface of the diseased part. Control methods: After the harvest, the diseased leaves are completely removed, and buried in time or burned in time. Before planting or setting seedlings, use 65% Tamycin 500 times solution, 50% polymyxin 600 times solution, 45% Tecdo 1000 times solution Or 50% of Nongliling 400 times liquid, spraying the greenhouse soil, walls, and greenhouse films to sterilize the surface; at the early stage of disease, use 65% tomylovir 600 times solution, 50% doxetoyl 700 times solution, 45 % Tecdo 800x or 50% Nylon 1000x Spray.

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