How to solve the frequent food safety incidents?

How to solve the frequent food safety incidents?

In the past week, two more serious collective food poisoning incidents have occurred in China, which has had a great impact on society. One is the number August 20 Pishan County in Hotan Prefecture Sanju township food poisoning incident, as of 2018 when the number of food poisoning have been more than 150 people, including 11 deaths, which is currently the incident is under further investigation. The second is a suspected food poisoning incident in Wenfeng Town, Longxi County, Gansu Province on the evening of August 23 . As of 24 am 12, have a local hospital with suspected food poisoning admissions 40 patients, three of whom were killed and seven critically ill. The local publicity department confirmed the news.

It is the peak season of food poisoning. Summer heat, high temperature, heavy rain, high humidity, very suitable for intestinal pathogenic bacteria and mold growth and reproduction foods are prone to corruption, deterioration, food poisoning and other intestinal infectious diseases are also prone to occur. As a consumer, after all, it is not very good at identifying the good or bad of food. People should constantly improve their understanding of the quality of food. However, more reasons are still in producers and merchants.

Producers and merchants can be said to be the last step in the food to enter the people's table. Although the food industry has supervision and supervision of relevant departments, but the market is too large and complex, and there are many cases of retail production and business, there will be incomplete monitoring. . Therefore, the food safety awareness of producers and merchants needs to be strengthened to avoid the consequences of food poisoning, which harms consumers and their own signs.

However, the most important thing for producers and businesses to focus on is how the food is sterilized and disinfected during packaging and marketing. Food poisoning is also a problem in the production packaging and sales process due to the rapid growth of bacteria. Failure to use proper sterilization methods is an important cause of bad results. Therefore, it is especially important to choose the sterilization method.

Many food production companies use static one-time disinfection. This type of sterilization can only guarantee the number of bacteria in a certain period of time. If there is a problem during temperature and transportation, it is easy to cause bacteria to breed again. Some merchants choose to add more preservatives. In June this year, the new "Food Additives Use Standards" was introduced, which has more stringent requirements for the use of additives. Moreover, if people use additives containing substances for a long time, they will The body causes a lot of damage.

From the current point of view, The NICOLER dynamic disinfection machine widely used by food manufacturers has become a mainstream and efficient sterilization method. Practice has proved that this " NICOLER dynamic sterilization technology" can sterilize food continuously and without harm to the human body, and can be applied to various aspects such as packaging, cooling and filling. For example, the use of YKJ-2500 type food dynamic disinfection at 60 square workshop, before starting 1281 / m3, disinfection open 1 child 156 / m3, the boot after 2 hours 93 / m3, in line with corporate standards and national standards.

The frequent occurrence of food poisoning incidents has alarmed many food manufacturers and distributors. All aspects need to be meticulous, especially in the process of sterilizing raw materials, production and packaging, and disinfection of some foods. Choosing the way to sterilize is essential!