Agricultural machinery maintenance instructions

Agricultural machinery is a specialized production tool with high technical content and relatively complex structure. The working conditions for the operation are rather poor, and the technical level of use and professional knowledge of operators are quite different. At the same time, as a kind of production tool, with the extension of the service life, the mechanical parts will also wear out and cause the deterioration of the use performance, affecting the normal use. Therefore, the maintenance and maintenance of this part of the agricultural machinery can not be used. Maintenance and repair can be roughly divided into two parts: one is technical maintenance, that is, reasonable maintenance, routine inspection, regular maintenance and proper operation and use of the machine tool during the use of the machine, which can prolong the service life of the machine and improve Machine tool application effect; the other part is repair, that is, repair contents that can't be solved by the operator's own conditions and means, such as the repair or replacement of the major parts of the machine tool, the use of a medium-term, overhaul, and test adjustment after a certain period of time. And so on, we must go to specialized agricultural machinery repair service outlets or stations, factories, and ask professionals to repair. First, technical maintenance The maintenance of agricultural machinery should be in accordance with the principle of “resulting from prevention, raising weight and repairing” and practically implement technical maintenance procedures. The power machinery should determine the maintenance cycle according to the main fuel consumption, on time, by number, by item, Maintenance according to technical requirements, to achieve technical maintenance standards, to ensure that the equipment is in good technical condition. The maintenance of agricultural machinery must be strictly in accordance with the instructions for use and the provisions of the local agricultural machinery management department. Advanced maintenance of locomotives should be carried out indoors under the guidance of flight maintenance personnel. Fuel-powered machinery must be leak-proof (no leakage, no leakage, no leakage, no leakage), five nets (oil, water, gas, machinery, tools), six closed (diesel tanks, gasoline tanks, The oil filling port, oil inspection port, carburetor, magneto), intact (technical state intact); supporting agricultural implements must be repaired all year round, so that it can be three-flexible (operation, rotation, flexible lifting), five no (no, no) Blunt, non-deformable, non-corrosive, no missing parts), intact (technical state intact). Second, the repair of agricultural machinery tractors, automobiles, internal combustion engines overhaul, must have the ability to overhaul the agricultural machinery repair factory bear. The agricultural machinery repairing plant shall ensure that the overhauled locomotive meets the technical and economic indicators such as the power and fuel consumption rate stipulated in the quality acceptance standards, implements the Three Guarantees, and has a definite warranty period. According to the needs of the agricultural machinery operation, the state of the agricultural machinery should be checked regularly to ensure timely repair. Small tractors can be tested regularly and repaired on demand. Maintenance and repair of agricultural machinery also have service quality problems. In order to protect the legitimate interests of farmers, the competent department of agricultural machinery in China, together with the industrial and commercial administrations, has formulated corresponding management and supervision methods for regulating the maintenance behavior of agricultural machinery, strengthening maintenance management, and ensuring the quality of maintenance services. Farmers can choose to provide maintenance services for themselves in accordance with these measures. Units and individual repair houses. At present, China's maintenance services for agricultural machinery products can be divided into two forms: First, special maintenance service stations (points) established by agricultural machinery product manufacturers in various regions, which are mainly responsible for the after-sales services and replacement parts repairs of the produced equipment; and secondly, agricultural machinery. The competent department shall, in conjunction with the administrative department for industry and commerce, approve the agricultural machinery maintenance units and repair professional households (send a special certificate: "qualification certificate for maintenance technology"). When farmer's farm implements need maintenance services, they first consider the manufacturer's special maintenance service stations (points) to carry out maintenance, and secondarily consider maintenance service units or specialized households that have “repair technical qualification certificates” to perform maintenance. In the event of repair quality disputes, as long as they are repaired by certified units (or individuals), they are generally satisfactorily resolved. What needs to be reminded is that when the equipment needs maintenance services, do not look for unlicensed repair service units or self-employed persons. Units and individuals engaged in maintenance of agricultural machinery (abbreviated as agricultural machinery maintenance personnel, the same below) must have corresponding maintenance equipment and testing instruments. After being examined and verified by the county agricultural machinery management department, the company can obtain technical certification and apply for a business license before engaging in agricultural machinery maintenance business. And accept the annual inspection of the maintenance technical grade and maintenance equipment of the agricultural machinery management department. Agricultural machinery maintenance personnel must carry out maintenance in accordance with technical standards for agricultural machinery maintenance to ensure the quality of maintenance. Agricultural machinery maintenance technical standards are formulated by the provincial agricultural machinery management department and reported to the provincial technical supervision department for record. The charge standard for the maintenance of agricultural machinery shall be formulated by the provincial price department and the provincial agricultural machinery management department. The maintenance of farm machinery shall be subject to a warranty period of not less than 6 months for power machinery and not less than 3 months for other agricultural machinery. Where there is a defect in the quality of the repaired part under normal use during the warranty period, the agricultural machinery repairer shall be responsible for the repair and the user shall be compensated if it causes losses. Agricultural machinery repair network at all levels should strictly implement the procedures for the repair of agricultural machinery and repair quality and technical standards; the agricultural machinery repair factory should strengthen the management and maintenance of repair equipment to ensure the accuracy of equipment and improve the utilization of equipment. The failure of agricultural machinery should be eliminated and repaired in a timely manner. We must not be afraid of spending money to make the machine sick. Please remember that it is dangerous to do so. It is too late to wait for an accident. Therefore, after an abnormality in the use of the equipment, it is necessary to immediately stop the machine, identify the cause and confirm that it has been eliminated before it can be put back into production for operation. The failures encountered cannot be ruled out by themselves, and professionals must be found to help solve and repair them.

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