Breeding Management Techniques for Male Rabbits

These male rabbits must be well-developed, robust in their physique, and have a strong sexual desire in order to complete the breeding task. “Good male rabbits, good batches, good female rabbits, and good nests.” Breeding male rabbits is of great importance for future generations. Therefore, male rabbits must be scientifically reared and managed. In the non-matching season, male rabbits should be kept at a moderate level of nutrition, and they should not be too fat or too thin. Over-fat and over-lean can weaken breeding performance and even lose their breeding ability. The quality of male rabbit semen depends on the nutrients in the feed, so nutrition must be guaranteed. The protein content in the diet is 12% for the non-breeding period, 14%-15% for the breeding period, and appropriate animal protein feed such as fish meal, silkworm meal, egg or blood meal. Each kg of diet should contain 0.8% calcium, 0.4% phosphorus, vitamin A508 international units or carotenoids 0.85 mg -0.9 mg, vitamin E4 mg -100 mg, 1 month before mating Supplement with carrots, malt, soy beans or multivitamins.

Increase the amount of feed during the breeding period. Since it is necessary to see the effect of semen after 20 days since the addition of nutrients, the breeding period should be increased one month before mating. Feeding 2% each day must increase the amount of feed by 25% and increase the concentrate by 30%-50%. Simultaneous supply of grain-type acidic feed can enhance sexual reflexes and sperm formation in male rabbits. The male rabbit's feed requires high nutritional value, is easy to digest, and has good palatability. If feeding a large-volume, indigestible feed, it will inevitably increase the burden of the digestive tract and cause indigestion, thereby inhibiting male rabbit sexual activity. If there is insufficient nutrition, it will cause the loss of the rabbit and the decrease of sperm motility. At the same time, it is necessary to intensify the exercise so that it will have a strong sexual desire to improve the quality of semen. The male rabbit selected for breeding must be kept separately from the female rabbit after 3 months of age. Because the genitals of male rabbits begin to develop at this time, the male and female rabbits will mix and match with each other. Male rabbits should be kept separately after 4 months of age in order to enhance their sexual desire and to fight against each other. The male and female rabbit cages should be kept at a longer distance to avoid heterosexual stimulation.

When mating, the female rabbit should be caught in a male rabbit cage. It is not advisable to catch the male rabbit into the female rabbit cage for breeding. Because the male rabbit leaves the environment he is familiar with or has a different smell, it will make him feel suddenly, lack energy, inhibit sexual activity, and affect the breeding effect. The frequency of mating is generally 2 times per day, and the reserved species cannot be used prematurely to avoid affecting growth and development and causing premature aging. Adult male rabbits should rest for 1 day after two days of mating, and do not use too many times, otherwise it will affect male rabbit semen quality and service life. In order to avoid heavy mating of male rabbits, each male rabbit can be fixed with 8 females - 10 rabbits. The breeding male rabbits should also regularly check the genitals. If any inflammation or other diseases are found, the breeding should be stopped immediately and the treatment should be promptly given. In addition, male rabbits should not be mated during the hair replacement period, because during the hair replacement, the consumption of nutrients is relatively high and the physical quality is poor. At this time, breeding will affect the health of male rabbits and the conception rate of female rabbits. During this period, protein feeds should be increased to promote hair replacement. Male male rabbits should exercise more and stay in the sun to prevent obesity or weak limbs. Generally, they must exercise 2 hours to 4 hours outdoors every day. At the same time, we must keep cages clean, diligently clean, diligently disinfect, and control the occurrence of diseases.

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