Potato deficiency

Symptoms of a nitrogen deficiency flowering before the disease, plant dwarf, weak growth, light green leaves, followed by yellow, to the late growth stage, the leaflets of the base leaflet completely lost chlorophyll and shrinking, sometimes fire-like, leaves off. Phosphorus deficiency in early phosphorus deficiency affects root development and seedling growth. Phosphorus is absent from the flowering bud to the flowering stage. The leaves shrink and the color is dark green. In severe cases, the base leaves become lavender, the plants freeze, petioles, leaflets, and leaf margins. Facing upwards, it does not expand horizontally. The area of ​​leaflets is reduced and the color is dark green. When there is too much phosphorus deficiency, the growth of plants is greatly affected, and the rust stains inside the potato block are prone to occur. The symptoms of potassium deficiency in the three potassium-deficient plants appear later, and generally do not appear until the tuber formation period. When the potassium is insufficient, the leaves shrink and the edges and tips of the leaves atrophy. They are even coked. The dead tissue is brown. There are bronze spots between the veins, the internodes in the stems are shortened, the stems and leaves shrink prematurely, and the yield is severely reduced. Boron growth points and tip buds die, lateral buds grow rapidly, internodes are short, the whole plant is in short plexiform, leaves thicken, edges curl upwards, roots are short and thick, brown, root tips are apt to die, tubers are small, 'on the surface Frequent cracks. The young leaves of the five iron-deficient irons are slightly chlorogenic. The long edges of the leaflets maintain their green color. The faded tissue appears clear yellow to pure white, and the chlorotic tissue curls upward. Six deficient manganese leaves chlorosis between veins, some species are pale green. Severely manganese-deficient veins almost turned white. Symptoms first appeared on new leaflets. There were many small brown spots on the posterior veins, and small spots disappeared from the leaf surface, causing incomplete leaf insufficiency. The lower leaves of the seven magnesium deficiency are light in color. The chlorosis begins at the tip or leaf margin of the lowermost leaf blade and spreads between the veins toward the middle of the leaflet. The faded necrotic area is covered by the posterior veins, and the leaf clusters thicken or the veins move outwards. Outstanding, lack of magnesium leaves become brittle. Eight symptoms of sulfur deficiency are slow, and the leaves and veins are generally yellow, similar to nitrogen deficiency, but the leaves are not dry and plant growth is inhibited. When the sulfur deficiency is severe, the leaves are spotted. Nine calcium deficient early calcium deficiency apical young bud leaflets appear pale green ribbon, necrosis caused by leaflet shrinkage or distortion, severe apical bud or bud death. There are necrotic spots in the medullary tuber.

Cause of a lack of nitrogen in the organic matter content is relatively low, acidity sufficient to inhibit the nitrification of sandy soil. Phosphorus deficiency often occurs on heavy soils, which is caused by the consolidation of phosphorous, which is a non-essential state. On the light soil, the natural phosphorus content is low. In addition, the consumption of the former crop can also cause phosphorus deficiency. Three potassium leaching light sandy soil, humus soil, peat soil potassium deficiency, often can not meet the growth needs of potatoes. Four boron-deficient soil acidification, boron leaching, or excessive lime application all lead to boron deficiency. In the five iron-deficient soils, the phosphate fertilizers are more or more alkaline, affecting iron absorption and operation, and iron deficiency symptoms. Sixth lack of manganese soil viscosity, poor ventilation of alkaline soil is easy to lack of manganese. Seven-deficiency magnesium occurs in soils with high acidity or with mineral fertilizers containing certain high concentrations of nitrogen-containing nutrients, which can increase the solubility of magnesium compounds and cause magnesium deficiency. Eight sulfur-deficient sulfur fertilizers are prone to sulfur deficiency. Nine calcium deficiency symptoms occur early on potato-constant-grained soils on light sandy soils that contain almost no calcium compounds.

Prevention methods (1) Prevention of nitrogen deficiency Advocates the use of compost or decomposed organic fertilizers fermented with bacteria, using formula fertilization techniques. When nitrogen deficiency is found in the production, human feces can be immediately buried and fermented, and urea or ammonium bicarbonate can also be mixed into 10 to 15 times decomposed organic fertilizer, applied to both sides of the potato, and then soiled and watered. Can also be applied 15-20 days after planting seedling fertilizer, 667m2 applied ammonium sulfate 5kg or human urine 750-1000kg. After 40 days of planting, a potato fertilizer was applied, and 667 m2 of ammonium sulfate used 10 kg of ammonium sulfate or 1000 to 1500 kg of human waste. (2) Prevent phosphorus-deficient basal fertilizer 667m2 applied calcium superphosphate 15-25kg mixed into organic fertilizer applied to below 10cm plowing layer; Flowering period 667m2 applied superphosphate 15-20kg; also can be sprayed with 0.2% 0.2% 0.3% phosphoric acid Potassium hydroxide or 0.5%-1% aqueous solution of superphosphate. (3) To prevent the shortage of potassium fertilizer mixed with 200kg of ash. 40 days after planting, long-term application of the potato fertilizer is performed with water 150-200 kg or potassium sulfate 10 kg. It is also possible to spray 1% potassium sulfate 40 to 50 days before the harvest, once every 10 to 15 days, once every 2 to 3 times. 0.2% to 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 1% turfgrass leaching solution can also be sprayed. (4) To prevent boron deficiency in the 667m2 hole from the seedling stage to the beginning of the flowering period, applying borax 0.25-0.75kg, and spraying 0.1% borax in the initial flowering period. (5) Prevent iron deficiency from spraying 0.5% to 1% ferrous sulfate solution once or twice at the initial flowering stage. (6) In the absence of manganese, spray 1% manganese sulfate aqueous solution 1-2 times. (7) In the case of magnesium deficiency, first pay attention to the application of fully decomposed organic fertilizer or Biquan organic fertilizer to improve soil physical and chemical properties, so that the soil remains neutral. If necessary, lime can also be used to adjust to avoid soil acidity or partial alkali. The use of formula fertilization technology to achieve a reasonable ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements, if necessary, determine the content of magnesium in the soil, when magnesium is insufficient, the use of complete fertilizer containing magnesium, in emergency, can be sprayed on the foliage 1% A 2% magnesium sulfate aqueous solution, every 2 days, sprayed 3-4 times a week. (8) In the event of sulfur deficiency, sulfur-containing fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate are used. (9) When calcium deficiency occurs, it is necessary to diagnose the soil and apply an appropriate amount of lime. In case of emergency, spray 0.3% of a 0.5% calcium chloride aqueous solution once every 3-4 days for a total of 2-3 times. In addition, you can also apply Huimanfeng liquid fertilizer, the amount of 450ml per 667m2, diluted 400 times, spray 3 times, can also spray green wind 95 plant growth regulator 600 times, to promote Fengbao R-type multi-component liquid fertilizer 700 times or 300 times liquid of "Yiyi" microorganism active organic fertilizer.

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