Developing Green Chinese Medicine to Grab Chinese Herbs

The business club reported on July 15 that for a period of time, continuous food and drug safety accidents have made Chinese herbal medicines, which have traditionally been considered less toxic and side effects, also met with people's skepticism. Industry.......

How is the greenhouse cucumber melon?

A small amount of cucumber in greenhouses is a normal phenomenon of plant self-regulation, but a large number of melons must be searched for reasons. The reasons are as follows:
1. The planting density is high, the field is closed, and the light is insufficient, resulting in less phot.......

Raspberry high yield cultivation technology

Raspberry is a deciduous shrub of Rosaceae. It is one of the third-generation fruit that has emerged at home and abroad in recent years. The fruit berry is sweet and delicious, nutritious, has a special rich aroma, in addition to fresh food, but also processing fruit juice, beverages, frui.......

Prevention of cucumber downy mildew

Cucumber downy mildew is one of the most common and most serious diseases occurring on cucumbers. It can occur during the entire growth period of cucumbers, and mainly damages the leaves. After the leaves were damaged, water-stained pale green spots appeared and gradually became yellow-gre.......

Macrophages work as brain "cleaners"

It is known that Alzheimer's disease is associated with accumulation of abnormal fibrin deposits in the brain of a patient. If we can clear these "garbage" in the brain, we hope to improve the disease. A new study in Germany shows that some special macroph.......

Clever prevention of tomato leaf mold new measures

Tomato leaf mold is an important disease of tomatoes in protected fields. It mainly damages the leaves, stems, flowers and fruits of tomatoes. At the initial stage, some green spots appear on the back of the leaves, and later it turns into gray or black and purple irregular moldy layers. F.......