Prunus trilobata

Family is: Rosaceae

Latin name: Prunustriloba

Aliases: Small pink, lychee


Loquat leaves are native to parts of North China and East China and are now widely cultivated in North and East China.

Morphological characteristics:

Deciduous shrubs, sometimes small trees.

High 3 ~ 5m. Branches purple-brown, rough, branchlets smooth and glabrous or slightly pilose when young. Leaves alternate, broadly elliptic to obovate, leaf tip acuminate or 3-lobed, base broadly cuneate, stigma spurred, margins coarsely serrate, surface dark green. Flowers 1-2 were born in leaf axils, short stems, close to the branches, flowers red or white, single, semi-double or double valve, the first leaves and leaves with the release, diameter 2 ~ 3cm, flowering in April.

Drupe Sphere, red, July ripe.


For deciduous shrubs. Hi light, slightly shade-tolerant; cold-resistant, safe for wintering at -35°C.

Poor soil requirements, with neutral to slightly alkaline and fertile soil is preferred. Strong drought resistance. Not water resistant. There is a strong resistance to disease.

It grows best where there is plenty of sunshine, where the soil is fertile, loose and well drained.

Reproduction method:

Commonly used seeding, ramets and grafting methods, the survival rate is high.

Cultivation Management:

The best choice for planting Prunus triloba is where the soil is loose, fertile, well-drained and well-lit. The planting time is generally after the fall leaves. Planting holes to apply organic fertilizers as base fertilizer. Remove some of the branches when planting to increase the survival rate. After planting and survival, weeds should be planted in a timely manner, and watering should be performed according to drought conditions. Pay attention to drainage during the rainy season, apply antifreeze water before frost, and apply fertilizer once after flowering. Due to the vigorous growth of Prunus triloba, it is necessary to trim after flowering. Pruning should be combined with sparse shearing and short cutting to loosen dense branches, weak branches, and pests and branches. Extensive shearing should be applied to the sparse branches of branches and branches. In the coming year, the flowers will flourish and grow vigorously.

Garden use:

The plum blossom is beautifully colored. Its leaves resemble lotus and its flower is named after plum. It is a common spring flower tree species in northern gardens.

It should be planted in the garden, on the roadside, beside the pool or on the side of the rock and the building. It can be planted, planted and planted; if it is planted or planted on the outer edge of pine and cypress trees with other flowers such as the forsythus, the effect will be more it is good.

It is also suitable for pot viewing; it is also a good material for making bonsai and a good flower arrangement material.

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