What kind of pig is the most cost-effective for the family?

What kinds of pigs are raised by the family are cost-effective. After we had solicited comments from aquaculture experts, we responded here and hoped to inspire other pig farmers. At present, family pig raising is still an important income-generating route for most of the farmers in our provin.......

Eat radish summer eat ginger stomach appetite

● Eat ginger in summer: increase appetite

Summer is a fire, heart anger, taste is bitter. The lungs belong to gold, the taste of the main symplectic, Chinese medicine five elements of the theory that the fire Kejin, Huowang easily imprisoned, leading to lung deficiency, shoul.......

Spring pond cleaning and disinfection method

1. Quicklime clearing pond: Select clear lime for clearing pond, use 50 to 100 kg of lime per acre, spread the dry powder evenly to the bottom of the pool and pool base, then inject 4 to 6 cm of clean water, and use the long handle to remove the pool the next day. The bottom sludge and lim.......

Teach you three ways to eliminate pests

Grasshoppers, cockroaches and wireworms are the most common subterranean insects that damage wheat in the spring. They mostly occur after turning green wheat to filling stage. There are three main methods for its prevention and control.

One is poisoning soil. Per acre with 5% phoxi.......

The woman maintains her body and begins with endocrinology

"Endocrine disorders" threaten women's health

After the age of 25, women began to experience a decline in physical condition. Many problems that had not previously been encountered, such as facial chloasma, breast lumps, uterine fibroids and other issues have emerged .......

Prevention of Gastric Shift in Dairy Cows

Under normal conditions, the cow's true stomach is on the right side of the abdominal cavity, and the left side is close to the rumen. However, due to some internal or external causes, the normal position of the true stomach is mutated, either under the rumen or left of the rumen. Side.......

Key Techniques for Rapid Fattening of Young Rabbits

The fattening of young rabbits means that the pups begin fattening after weaning, and can be sold until the age of 2.5 months to 3 months of age reaches 2 to 2.5 kg. At this stage, the growth and development of young rabbits is fast, and because of the newly weaned, poor digestion, weak di.......